Back Massage

30 Minutes €40

Tense, Stressed & Soar? Reclaim Comfort, Revive, Restore, Renew.

Back pain can take over your whole life. It hurts when you stand up, and it’s not much better when you sit down. 

It’s painful getting up off the sofa. You can forget about carrying anything remotely heavy.  While getting in and out of the car, shower, bed, or bath can be a nightmare, 

You’ve tried everything. Medication, rest, exercise, heat packs, ice and anti-inflammatories, but nothing does the trick.

Your back takes all the pressure; if anything happens to it, it can be debilitating, having a massive effect on the quality of your life.

Chronic back pain can be caused by anything from bad posture and muscle strain to poor biomechanics or injury.

But if you’ve never had a back massage before, you might not realise that the solution is right at your our fingertips.

Not only can a massage ease a tense, sore or stressed back, but it can also be a luxurious and rejuvenating experience that leaves you feeling refreshed and renewed.

There’s a long list of advantages to a massage that targets your back, but we like to target your neck and shoulders too.

Why It’s Neck And Shoulders Too

It all comes down to the fact that the muscles in these neighbourhoods are so closely connected. 

They run from the neck through your shoulder right down to your lower back. So, massaging one can benefit the others.

Whether you realise it or not, you constantly use these muscles in your daily life. They keep you upright and hold a lot of tension. 

By massaging the muscles in the shoulder and neck areas, your therapist can help to release this pressure and promote relaxation throughout the entire back area.

The 8 Big Back Massage Benefits You Might Not Have Thought Of

For most, a back massage is probably about pain relief. It frees up cramped connective tissue that causes discomfort while reducing stiffness in muscles and joints.

This is because as your therapist works and you relax, your brain releases serotonin, endorphins and dopamine, the body’s natural painkillers that help regulate mood and make you chill out.

Your back massage

Relax your back

But pain respite isn’t the only benefit of a back massage. Here are 7 more rejuvenating benefits for you to look forward to.

1. Improved Posture

A back, neck, and shoulder massage can help realign the spine and relieve muscle tension, leading to better standing and sitting posture over time.

2. Better Flexibility

A regular back massage can help to ease stiffness in muscles and joints, so you’ll have increased flexibility, range of motion, and overall better muscle health. 

3. Enhanced Athletic Performance

Because you are more flexible, you’ll find your athletic performance improved no matter what sport you play. Massage can also reduce the risk of injury and help improve recovery times.

4. Better Sleep Quality

A massage can help calm the mind and body, leading to better sleep quality and more restful nights.

5. Improved Circulation

Every massage known to man helps improve circulation. The back, neck and shoulder are no different, so you’ll have better blood flow. This gives your mussels more oxygen to absorb more essential nutrients from your blood while eliminating waste toxins, promoting overall health and wellness.

6. Increased Energy

A massage can help to boost circulation, release endorphins, and reduce muscle tension, all of which can lead to increased energy levels and feelings of rejuvenation.

7. It Can Be A Precautionary Treatment

A regular massage with us here at Diamond Thai strengthens your back, reduces spasms and can help prevent problems down the line.

The advantages of a good back, neck and shoulder massage can be both physical and psychological. It can soothe anxiety and depression, calm you down, and be a great way to end a busy day.

Preparing For Your Back Massage With Us

If you’ve got specific treatment goals, try to get here a few minutes early to get comfortable and chat with us. We need to know what to focus on. Your therapist will also need to get an idea of how much pressure to use.

We recommend wearing comfortable clothing that allows for easy movement. It’s also a good idea to avoid eating heavy meals or consuming alcohol before your massage. It makes it harder to relax and get the best from your treatment.

What To Expect

We borrow methods from different therapies to customise a massage we think will offer the most relaxation, comfort and relief.

Some of these methods take a lighter approach, which are quite holistic. While others, depending on the client’s needs, go deeper into tissue layers.

You can expect your back massage to have elements from some of the following massage styles.


This is a gentle therapy that uses long, repeated sweeping strokes. It helps your body’s circulatory system, loosens up tissue and is excellent for stiffness and relaxation along the lower back.


We take the yoga stretching techniques from a traditional thai massage to elongate the back muscle. This improves your flexibility, helps your posture and builds strength in unused muscles. It’s ideal for anyone with back pain due to a sedentary lifestyle.

Deep Tissue

Ok, so this one is not for everyone. But if you suffer from chronic back or neck pain, you might want to give it a go. 

Deep tissue massage is a powerful type of therapy. Your therapist will go deep into the sublayers of your muscle close to the bone, target problem areas, and break up fibrous knotted muscles to get at the root of the issue.

back massage

Relaxing, it’s not.

But during your massage, paying attention to what feels good is essential. Everyone has a different pain threshold. We’ve got to balance the pressure so you get a treatment that’s effective without being painful.

The Techniques We’ll Use During Your Back Massage

During your back massage at Diamond Thai, we use various techniques to help release tension and promote relaxation in the areas you want us to target. 

Your therapist will use their hands, fingers, and sometimes even elbows to apply pressure to the muscles, working to release tightness and ease soreness. They may also use stretching and range-of-motion movements to help loosen the muscles and increase flexibility.

Some of the techniques you can expect to experience include

  • Kneading: Hands and fingers are used to apply pressure in a kneading motion to the muscles, working to release tightness and ease soreness.
  • Circular movements: The therapist uses their hands to make circular movements on the surface of the skin, which can help promote circulation and relaxation.
  • Effleurage: Long, gliding strokes that help warm the muscles and promote relaxation.
  • Friction: The therapist uses their hands to apply pressure to specific areas of tension, using a circular or back-and-forth motion to help release tightness.
  • Compression: The application of pressure to specific problem areas using hands, fingers, or even elbows to release tension and promote relaxation.
  • Stretching: Expansion and range-of-motion movements to help loosen the muscles and increase flexibility. 

Our therapists combine some, if not all, of the above techniques to tailor the treatment to your goals. So that you leave us feeling calm, relaxed and pain-free.

back massage

Taking Care Of Your Self After Your Back Massage

The first thing you need to do is relax and take it easy for the rest of the day—no gym or strenuous exercise. Give yourself time to recover.

Take a nice long bath with Epsom salts and hydrate to get rid of toxins from your body. You could also do a little light stretching to keep those newly massaged muscles loose and flexible.

These two tips will help you get the best out of your massage, and hopefully, you’ll continue to reap some reward for a while after you leave the studio.

A back, neck and shoulder massage with us offers a wide range of benefits for the mind and body.

Your back carries all the weight. You can’t do anything if it’s not working right. And if you are in pain, it can consume your every waking hour. With the only time you manage to get a break during the night is when you fall asleep. 

Whether you’re dealing with muscle tension or just looking for a way to relax and unwind, a back massage could be just what the doctor ordered.

So, look after your back and book an appointment with us today. Your poor, aching body will thank you for it.

Book Your Appointment

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